A couple of days ago I purchased a copy of this interesting RPG on Steam called Blackguards. I had previously gleamed some interesting tidbits from this game that felt truly mouthwatering or at least slightly exciting. But basically playing dark heroes in a band of misfits appeals to me to a great degree. Probably in part because i have gotten bored with the lawful good protectors that are still the most common RPG troupe characters I believe.
Now I guess its better practice to refrain from giving out too many spoilers but its hard to contain the excitement. You pretty much already start out with a fun pair of characters to assist your player character, an interesting if surly dwarven warrior and a noble wizard who also is a ladies man par excellence. These two really do liven up the game. Or at least the earlier parts which I have experienced so far.
A town in Blackguards. All you need in one screen with one click.
I must also say that the graphics are quite interesting. The game doesn't replicate the whole landscape in 3d and instead has a 2d map with some interesting effects upon which your party travels. At first it felt rather cheap but it has grown on me since. This should allow the developers to add more drama and story-lines into the game without having to create lots of 3d environments.
All in all this games bodes good but since its not finished there is no way anyone can express a very lasting judgement on it. Nonetheless I recommend you try it.